Every measurable climate action can be expressed in avoided CO2 emissions. We make digital tokens from the units of avoided CO2 emissions. This way CO2 is avoided as a means of exchange. View here what we are working on and what the possibilities are.


We work together with the national climate campaign Warm Sweater Day, and have the Ring-Ring bicycle app with which you can register cycling kilometers linked to our dashboard. And we are in contact with a number of local sustainable initiatives to capture even more avoided CO2 emissions as a token. In addition, our technology is used for university research. Read more below:



We can make tokens from all measurable climate actions to help achieve a decarbonized society. From cycling to energy saving. Make the climate impact visible. View the options here:

Schermafbeelding 2017-11-11 om 08.15.07

We are working on the development of a neighborhood dashboard where you can see the impact of your local climate actions and collect the value of these actions. Do you have a local initiative that prevents greenhouse gas emissions and would like to record this climate gain as a token? Contact us now!

Schermafbeelding 2019-06-24 om 18.40.02
Bouw samen je eigen lokale klimaateconomie